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Far Cry 3 Preview

  • Gameplay
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  • Value

This is the kind of PC video game that makes you glad you can get your hands on weapons and kill the game’s antagonists. It’s the follow up to the Top PC Games, Far Cry series, and this time out the developers are going to have you rolling in danger and action, laughs and screams, and more.

Ubisoft is the developer and publisher and the release is due in 2012. The platforms will be PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

The plot so far has Jason Brody who is trapped on an island with all sorts of crazy people who are trying to kill him. The island chain he’s trapped on has been going through territorial turf wars and Brody is now trapped there looking for his lost girlfriend. It is a perfect setting for misery as he has to make his way around the island while dispatching bad guys along the way, includind the most annoying video game character to come along since the other player in Pong.

You just want to shoot this antagonist, Vaas, no, you want to beat him to death with blunt objects he’s such a pain. This is just what you want in a challenging game as you have a dangerous environment fraught with traps and cutthroats at every turn and you need someone to focus your hate on. The developers sure came through with that one.

You’ll have plenty of room to explore this adventure as the environment is monstrous in size and the thing is, the player’s choices determine the outcome of the game. That means no two games will be alike and also hints at the type of underlying strategy the developers created that no one can guess at the outcomes. There are bound to be surprises here and there to the point the gameplay will have suspense even after you’ve played it a gillion times. That’s called good money spent well and it’s factors such as this that will help Far Cry enter our Top 10 PC Games. Gamers like to spend their hard earned cash on something that will last and this game looks like it’s going to be a good investment.

Gameplay looks real entertaining especially when you throw big knives into dudes. At least you don’t have to go through hours of play to find your first weapon. After your first venture in, you can start strangling people and stealing their tools and then either sneak around killing other bad guys or just start shooting up the place. That was demonstrated in the gameplay demo and the reaction of both fans and newbies is one of shock and awe. Some people can’t believe how violent the game is but that’s whom it’s tailored for, people who love intrigue, mystery, and lots of shooting and killing and stabbing and blowing up anything that might have a villain in it.

Fans are waiting and drooling and the curious game playing community is wondering what the game might have hidden inside. You can tell the developers have crammed this game full of surprises and the foundation on which the game is built shows it’s going to be worth the money. Games like this are a shoe in for success. The first two of the series established the pattern and the developers listened to their fans! They looked at what the fans liked and wanted and realized the first game had core elements that worked and could be improved upon.

The second game introduced new things to the Far Cry series, some successful, some, not so, but Ubisoft listened and put together a new game that went back to its successful roots and embellished on that big time. Ubisfot listened to the community of avid PC gamers in a hope of creating one the best PC games available.

Actually, if you look around the web you’ll see the hot debates going on regarding the upcoming Far Cry game. They generally run from, “I can’t wait!” to “If I get it should I get the first two?”. That right there shows how large the fanbase is and how its growing by the day. With that kind of power, you can guess at what the fanbase will be like when this version of Far Cry comes out for the PC. It’s going to be one big blast of psycho action.

Remember, Far Cry 3 is about you, trapped on an island of crazy people with weapons. A huge island with crazy people with weapons. Oh, and your job is to take their weapons away from them and kill them, especially this guy named Vaas who just will not shut up discussing his ideals regarding insanity. Far Cry 3 is set to be a big hit and is sure to become one of the best PC games of the year.