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Mass Effect 3 Preview

  • Graphics
  • Sound
  • Gameplay
  • Presentation
  • Value

Okay, Mass Effect 3 looks like something that you would run into if you had your worst nightmare while visiting an observatory on a field trip. This isn’t just guys in space fighting stuff, there is massive amount of action, destruction, strategy and graphics that is on par with any major motion picture seen today.

If you’re a fan of the franchise you know that you’re going to have some combat action that is the staple of today’s games but this time around, the environment and enemies have an AI integration with squad combat action, so anything could possibly happen. This is advantageous because no game, no strategy put into effect, comes out the same. You won’t have to worry about monotony at all.

As for the graphics and design, the aliens and environments are more detailed and lush to the point that you can almost feel them as you go through the motions. Oh, let us not forget the “Omni Blade” a weapon on your arm that lights up that you get to dispatch bad guys up front, and brutally, as expected.

Of course you have your guns, secret weapons, grenades, different speeds at which you can progress, and of course the ability to modify your weapons. Modifying your weapon gives you the opportunity to tool the game to your combat style and tweak your character so that you’re in control of your destiny.

This time around BioWare says they will allow you to carry a number of weapons at once instead of one at a time.  This gives for more butt-kicking in combinations to match the complication of the combat.

The Mass Effect series deals with battle on a galactic level. However, we haven’t seen planet Earth before, until this game. Now with this chapter, your main character, Commander Shepard proves himself when the galactic harvesting monster things called Reapers show up on Terra Firma.

These machines are HUGE and the special effects seen are better than of most feature films. In addition the attention to detail is astonishing when the action starts to progress. This trilogy obviously has been super entertaining to fans and this final chapter with it’s primary plot and sub plots keeps the trilogy from being just some bland shooter game.

You can’t beat galactic combat with giant robot machines that use mutated captives. Again the design has the mutants at the point you don’t think twice about blasting them because they’re so hideous.

None of that somewhat cute mutant nonsense some games have. You know these mutants need to be blasted off the planet. The storyline appears to be carefully crafted to expand on the Mass Effect universe but to also wrap up the adventure so far.

Mass Effect 3 will be out in March 2012 and from the look of it, gamers will be hanging from the roof and signs of game stores waiting in anticipation to get hold of their copy. This is certainly going to be one of the top 10 PC games of 2012, once released.

Reportedly one of the extra goodies to come from the game is that after the main gameplay ends, you can continue to play so you can go back and do what you missed on the first pass of the game. This makes for an excellent replay value, and will no doubt be the 2nd reason for making it into our top 10 PC games.

You wonder how in the world the developers could include so many planetary environments. This game is HUGE to say the least. From the looks of it they will also allow for importing of previous game achievements, favorite characters and more. Of course they didn’t leave out the romance factor our either. Some gamers like the romance side of the story whilst others will just want to blow up stuff and save the galaxy.

All in all, the plot line picks up with Shepard (who you are able to play as male or female) sitting on trial when the evil Reapers invade Earth. Shepard has to battle to get off Earth to rally other galactic civilizations with him to fight off the invaders who have ripped off every planet in the Galaxy. You have to love these impossible odd plot lines!

There’s just way too much to cover about this game in a short review but the bottom line is, from BioWare and the history of the game so far, you’ll be getting way more than your money’s worth when this beauty of a PC game is released in 2012. Will it be one of the top 10 PC games of the year? We certainly think so!